We will go to all location in the city of Winnipeg Manitoba some exceptions may apply
One hour in home. age 65 to 105 and those with less ability $95
Jason Matthes RMT Jason has been practicing Massage therapy since 2000. In that time he has performed over 10,000 massages. Jason is a member in good standing of the MTAM. Massage Therapy for Seniors is a member of the Mtam and has an A+ rating.
Massage Therapy for Seniors was started in order to help the senior and disabled population regain the health they desire and independence they deserve. We can do massage therapy for all. Including exercise , Range of motion stretching, and suggestions for self improvement of health concerns.
Massage Therapy can be given on a massage table or plinth, hospital bed, or seated chair.
Massage Therapy in the Province of Manitoba is covered by many third party health care plans. Discounts are available to those that need massage 3x per month or more.